
Estado físico

Chega assim: sem avisar, sem se explicar.
Ordem do dia: câmara de gás.
Cabeça no travesseiro:

Fritas Trilha acompanha...

Those Dancing Days

Slow down, please, slow down
I need to find peace anywhere in me
I feel like I'm under water, struggeling to get air
I feel like I'm lost in this body, trying to get inside my head

I wanna know what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling
What I want my life to be
I wanna know how I like plan to make things easier
For everyone but me

Tell me, please, tell me
What to do now,
now that I know myself
Do you really think I could rely on this new person I have become
Do you really think I give a damn now that I can do whatever I want

Now I know, what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling
What I want my life to be
Now I wanna know how I like to make things easier
For everyone including me

* onomatopéia de "suspiro profundo"

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Mas hein???

Nossa, fiquei confusa com tudo, mas você está bem??? o.o

E saudades

rosa disse...

- e o leitor dá um sorriso depois que lê o texto.

Anônimo disse...

Trilhas são sempre ótimos acompanhantes! =)